Packing Tips
- Always fill your boxes to the maximum capacity. This will prevent items from moving within the box (avoiding breakage).
- Use good quality boxes or containers that are secured tightly. Do not use old or used boxes as these may have mold spores.
- Secure the bottom of your boxes with tape. This will prevent the contents from spilling out when you lift them.
- For heavier items, such as books, use smaller boxes so they are easier to lift.
- Cover items such as mattresses, sofas and chairs with dust proof covers.
- Pack dishes and plates on their side with either bubble wrap or packing paper in between. Never place dishes flat in a box as they are more likely to break.
- Use bubble wrap to protect your delicate items.
- Once you finish packing a box, make sure you label, in marker, the contents of the box and the room where they will be unloaded.
- Remove the legs of tables. Tape and bubble wrap the legs to the back of your table.
- Wrap the legs of chairs with either bubble wrap or packing paper to protect them from damage.
- Mirrors and pictures should be individually wrapped with bubble wrap or picture boxes. Make sure you mark “fragile” on the box and store the item on it’s end.
- Label all wires and cables to your electronics for easier reinstallation.
- Remove all batteries from your items prior to placing in storage.
- Drain oil and gas from lawnmowers and wrap to prevent damage to your other items.
- For safety reasons, storing hazardous material, flammable goods or explosives is strictly prohibited.
- Any food items are prohibited.
If you are unsure how to pack an item or if the item is allowed in storage, contact our storage experts at 365-877-7777 to help assist you.