510 Bronte Street South, Milton, ON L9T 2X6

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You can help protect your personal belongings or business property from extreme hot and cold temperatures in a Life Storage unit with climate control. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.


With over 15 years experience, we’re here to take the stress away. Let our professional team members help manage your every need.

Make the job of moving that much easier with our fully equipped moving trailer; includes moving blankets, tie downs, dollies and conveinent loading ramp. WE Deliver, YOU Load, WE PICKUP. * Conditions Apply


There is a growing trend for various businesses to utilize self storage units. We have the perfect solution offering a wide range of unit sizes to meet all your needs.


Looking for a secure, clean location to store your classic car, recreational vehicles, or need extra space in your garage. We have unit sizes up to 10×30!


With our new contact-free self storage rental process, you can skip the front desk and move directly into your unit. Require packaging and moving supplies? The items you select will be placed in your unit prior to move-in date.


Our quality packaging and moving supplies not only ensure your valuables are properly protected, but make your moving process much smoother.


Current customers of ours refer a friend to our facility and you can earn up to $75.00 off your next months rent. *Conditions apply